Jay Preston VO

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Welcome to Hollywood, Now MAKE A CHOICE!

All you need to do, is a make a choice. 

Well, that’s not ENTIRELY ALL you need to do. But it is definitely the first step, and chances are you won’t be able to do do it right away. When I first started acting many many moons ago, my “choice” was, to be an actor, I chose to be on the stage. I didn’t realize back then that that was my 'choice'. But now that I look back at this roller coaster of a path I’ve been on. I realize. it was exactly my chosen focus. Being an actor on the stage. I achieved that for myself while living in New England. I was always on the stage in one form or the other. It was indeed grand. Then I made a “choice” to move to LA and I sure did. Then you know what happened? I forgot to make another choice. I started wanting. I wanted to be an actor, I wanted to be in films, I wanted to be on TV, I wanted to still do improv, I wanted to make video’s for this new thing called youtube with my buddies, I wanted to find a way to get back on stage.. I think you get it. 

I spent 4 years wanting to do it all, and hoping that I could. I did this film over here, and then I did that improv show over there, and I took this class to meet this agent and then that class to meet this casting director, I then did some background to get on this TV show and I kept .. kind of .. inching forward in all directions. Then (Hollywood catch 28) just as you made some progress, the industry changed, or you booked something that took you away from the door that was about to open etc. Needless to say. I wasn’t getting anywhere. Was I living, Was I having fun? Sure, but I was getting fed up. 

Just as I was about to throw in the towel, a window opened to a world I really didn’t know existed. Voice Over. I looked in that window, and smelled what was baking in that kitchen and I had a long talk with myself. I then made a choice. To give up trying to be open to all avenues. To choose to become a voice actor. To put all my resources, networking, money, and focus into one aspect of this entertainment industry. All the little goals in life, became little vo goals, all the big goals became bigger vo goals. Everything pointed in one direction, and a path became clear as day. Still hard as F*#*&K to get going and figure it all out. But at least my path was clear. And goals became easy to achieve. 

I went further with this focus idea. Within VO is many area’s. Video games, Commercial, Promo, Animation, narration, audiobooks etc. I felt it would be best to focus on one at a time. All classes and workshops and practice would be in one area, become great at that and then move to the next. If you’ve read this far and have been following my career, you already know this works. If this is the first thing you are reading of mine, and you got this far, it’s because part of you knows this is making sense. Or perhaps you know this to be true already, you just needed to hear it again. 

It’s very hard to CHOOSE one focus, especially out here in LA. But fear not. All that other stuff your good at. On camera, improv, photography. It will still be there and believe it or not, it will start to happen more and more often for you. Because people will want to work with the successful happy you, you will randomly be asked to go out for an on camera audition or commercial, and you’ll book that because you no longer have a fear of NOT booking it. I’m so busy with VO every day that I don’t have time for the other things, and yet I do. The friends I make will have projects, and they’ll want me to do a bit part here or there, and I always seem to have the time. With my focus and attention in one pot, I’m still very much enjoying them all. 

You start to better define who you are, and people have a clear view of what you can do. For example, let’s say you need some new professional pictures taken. Do you hire the guy who is a photographer, sound engineer, film editor, actor, and works as a bartender at night? Or do you hire the full time photographer, who takes pictures every day? Some of you will say, well whoever is cheaper, or whoever takes better pictures or blah blah.. not the point. You know the point I’m making. With a clear defined focus, you will know exactly what you are after and everyone you meet will know exactly what you do when someone they know needs someone with your skills. 

Accomplishing goals will start to become easier too. Make sure to have your end goals. The lofty ones, then the one’s that may take a year or two to achieve, then the one’s that you achieve in 6 months, and all the way down to your daily “to do” lists.  With those in place and marked on your calendar, you can’t go wrong! I mean, you can, but it will usually be harder to fail. Let’s not forget about Murphy and his laws. Expect that every now and then he will be there, helping you struggle. But go forward and chance that horizon! 

People will Listen, Let’s make it worth their while!
Till next time
